Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness Training

As the number of false bomb threats continues to rise each year, BSC recognizes the importance of equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively handle such situations. Therefore, we have developed IED Awareness training, including assistant bomb scout training. IED refers to Improvised Explosive Device.

Target Audience

This training is specifically designed for professionals whose roles may involve dealing with bomb threats. This includes executive officers, emergency team members, staff members, personal security guards, security personnel, fire guards, public prosecutors, and reception staff.

Preventing Disruption and Minimizing Costs

By conducting a thorough analysis of bomb threats and implementing expert search procedures, most evacuations can be avoided. This ensures continuity within the organization, minimizes loss of revenue, and prevents unnecessary costs from escalating.

Contact Us for Further Information

For more detailed information or any inquiries about our IED Awareness Training, please feel free to contact us during office hours at 071-5601640 or via email at