Cyber Security Assessment

Nowadays, the increasing number of computers, servers, and routers within companies, as well as in private homes, poses more and more security risks. You can think of various security breaches (corporate espionage, security patches, wardriving, encryption, phishing, malware, viruses, spyware, and spam).

BSC works closely with a Cyber Security company specialising in technical security systems and industrial process control installations. This cooperation allows us to offer you a total package that includes the current security status of your technical systems.

Security Scan: Enhancing Your Digital Safety

Discover and Address Security Risks with BSC's Advanced IT Security Scan

At BSC, we use a specially developed IT Security Scan to identify and assess potential security risks and vulnerabilities efficiently and securely. This comprehensive scan provides you with actionable insights and recommendations to enhance the technical security of your home or organization. Our team of information security specialists is ready to guide you through the process and offer further advice.

The Security Scan: Unveiling Vulnerabilities, Empowering Protection

Our Security Scan consists of two essential components, each playing a vital role in securing your digital landscape:

1: IT Manager Questionnaire:
We start by collecting crucial information through a detailed questionnaire aimed at your IT manager. By understanding your specific environment and practices, we gain valuable insights to tailor our security scan to your unique needs.
2: On-Site Infrastructure Vulnerability Scan:
Our experienced information security specialists conduct an in-depth investigation of your on-site IT infrastructure. Leveraging cutting-edge tools and following the guidelines of the NEN standard ISO 27002, we thoroughly analyse your network for potential vulnerabilities.
What to Expect from Our Technical Security Scan

Once the Security Scan is complete, you can anticipate the following outcomes:

  • Detailed Report:
    Receive a comprehensive report encompassing the findings from both the technical questionnaire and the on-site network scan. This report acts as a comprehensive overview of the security landscape, highlighting areas of concern and potential risks.
  • Actionable Recommendations:
    We go beyond identifying risks and vulnerabilities; our experts provide concrete recommendations and viable solutions to mitigate any security threats uncovered during the scan. These practical suggestions empower you to take targeted measures and bolster your overall information security.
  • Holistic Information Security Guidance:
    In addition to addressing specific vulnerabilities, we offer recommendations for enhancing your overall information security posture. Our insights and expertise help you establish robust security practices and protocols, ensuring a resilient digital environment.

Confidentiality is Our Priority

At BSC, we prioritize your confidentiality and data privacy. We treat the results of the Security Scan with the utmost discretion, ensuring that all findings and recommendations remain confidential.

Enhance Your Security Today with BSC's Security Scan

Don't let security risks go unnoticed. Safeguard your digital landscape by leveraging BSC's advanced IT Security Scan. Our team of specialists is ready to assist you in identifying vulnerabilities, providing actionable solutions, and fortifying your information security. Contact us today to schedule your Security Scan and take the first step towards a secure future.